Sweety Samal
Dr. Sweety Samal is a virologist and animal model expert and currently working as Principal Scientist-II at Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, Faridabad, India for more than 15 years. Dr. Samal, obtained her PhD in Virology from the University of Maryland in 2012 (USA) following a Master’s in Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc in Virology & Bacteriology) in 2007 (India). She is the Lead Indian PI of INDIGO project and Co-PI of ENDFLU and IndCEPI. She has established several live-virus; pseudo-virus-based assays and animal models for the viral diseases like Corona, Influenza, Dengue, JEV and Monkeypox based viruses.
Her expertise focuses on virus characterization, next generation vaccine design for enveloped viruses and development of suitable animal model and novel assays for infectious diseases, that will benefit the evaluation of vaccine candidates, anti-viral drug screening and therapeutics. Dr. Samal’s long standing research interest to carry out innovative scientific research on enveloped viral agents leveraging on the expertise gained from HIV, Influenza and Paramyxoviruses, thus creating a ' Translational and Systems virology platform'.